property NoObserveProperties {
check RSystem.observeProperty (key: String) {
// We need to check that system initialization has finished, since
// it has to observe some properties. (Perhaps, we should change
// the pfi so they don't count as observeProperty operations.)
if (key.equals ("java.compiler")
|| key.equals ("file.separator")
|| key.equals ("path.separator")) {
// allow a couple harmless (?) properties to be observed
// they aren't really harmless --- they reveal information about
// the host operating system.
} else {
if (naccio.library.NCheck.isInitialized ()) {
violation ("Attempt to observe property: " + key + " / " +
key.equals ("java.compiler"));
check RSystem.observeAllProperties () {
violation ("Attempt to observe properties");
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University of Virginia, Computer Science