global resource RSystem
// The RSystem resource comprises values of system environment settings.
// This resource contains operations that are specific to Java, since most of these
// resources are platform-specific.
initialize (args: String[])
"Initialize the RSystem object (called when execution starts, before
any other initializer)."
terminate ()
"Finalize the RSystem (called just before execution terminates, after
all other initializers)."
observeCurrentTime ()
"Called before revealing the current system time."
observeProperty (key: String)
"Called before revealing the value of system property key."
setProperty (key: String)
"Called before setting the value of system property key."
observeAllProperties ()
"Called before revealing all system properties."
setAllProperties ()
"Called before setting all system properties."
// These operations are all Java-specific.
setStandardInput (st:
"Assign st to the standard input stream."
setStandardOutput (st:
"Assign st to the standard output stream."
setStandardError (st:
"Assign st to the standard error stream."
setSecurityManager (s: java.lang.SecurityManager)
"Set the security manager to s."
setFactory ()
"This is used to check when a new URLConnection content factory
is installed. Should do something more specific."
exit (status: int)
"Called before explicit exit."
exec (command: String)
"Called before running system command."
load (s: String)
"Dynamically load class s."
loadLibrary (s: String)
"Dynamically load library s."
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University of Virginia, Computer Science