Naccio Department of Computer Science
University of Virginia


This publications list is in reverse-chronological order. Readers are encouraged to starts with the IEEE Security and Privacy paper.

David Evans. Policy-Directed Code Safety. MIT PhD Thesis. October 19, 1999. (abstract; Word, postscript MIT PhD thesis that motivates, describes and evaluates the Naccio architecture.

Andrew Twyman. Flexible Code Safety for Win32. MIT MEng Thesis. May 21, 1999. (abstract; PDF, postscript (91 pages).

MIT Master's thesis that describes a Win32 implementation of Naccio.
David Evans and Andrew Twyman. Flexible Policy-Directed Code Safety. In 1999 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Oakland, California, May 9-12, 1999. (abstract; PDF, gzipped postscript, 14 pages)
A general introduction to Naccio.

Naccio Home Page
David Evans
University of Virginia, Computer Science