// mimicjdk.spl
uses mimicjdk;
// This policy mimics JDK 1.1 SecurityManager policies by calling
// the same SecurityManager.check<Property> methods. Its not a
// useful policy on its own, but shows how Naccio can be used to
// easily imitate a standard Java safety policy. However, the
// performance benefits of eliminating unnecessary calls are not
// possible, since the SecurityManager is not available for
// static analysis.
policy MimicJDK =
+ SystemStreamChecks
+ PropertyAccess
+ FileObservations
+ FileAccess
+ SystemExit
+ CheckFactory
+ WarnWindows
+ SafeThreads
+ LoadClasses
+ JavaClasses
// + ShowSummary
// + ReportNetworkUsage
// + ReportFileUsage
+ NetConnections
+ CheckExec
+ CheckPackages;
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University of Virginia, Computer Science