property JavaAppletThreads {
requires TrackThreads, TrackThreadGroups;
// Applets are not allowed to manipulate threads outside applet
// thread group, but may manipulate applet threads.
// (err...unfortunately, there is no way to determine which is which.)
// moved to TrackThreads
// helper RSystemThreads.inThreadGroup (g: RThreadGroup) returns boolean {
// This is a kludge, copies from
// return false;
// }
helper RSystemThreads.checkThreadAccess (thread: RThread) {
// AppletSecurity checks classLoadDepth() == 3 && ...?
// Doesn't make sense to me...
if (!thread.inThreadGroup (thread.getThreadGroup ())) {
violation ("Illegal thread access: " + thread.toString ());
check RSystemThreads.setThreadName (thread: RThread, name: String) {
checkThreadAccess (thread);
check RSystemThreads.setDaemonThread (thread: RThread),
RSystemThreads.setUserThread (thread: RThread) {
checkThreadAccess (thread);
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University of Virginia, Computer Science